Free to Seek.

We have been on a journey to simplify our life in every possible way. And we have been sharing as much of this as we could along the way. What started out as “just imagine if we...” has turned into more of a reality every day. We look forward to continuing down this path and sharing more with you as we move forward!

Unbinded Life has come to us as a way to express what we are thinking, what we are feeling, and what we are now doing…freeing ourselves from the things that keep us held down.

We searched our hearts to find what it is that has been holding us back from living the life we truly want to live, and we are working towards letting those things go. It is our hope to lock arms with each of you and for you to find the courage and the freedom to seek your own path to the life you truly desire!

Our society conditions us to pursue this widely-recognized definition of success. The American Dream. But oftentimes, that comes at the expense of our own personal dreams and in stark contrast to our deeply-held values.

Unbinded Life is our way to strip away all the distractions that are not in alignment with our authentic self. For us, it came down to just three things…

  • As one of our top values, we strive to make family the center of everything we do and every decision we make.

  • We strive to keep our lives, schedule, and home aligned to our values.

  • It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world.

We’re on a mission.

A mission to give others the permission to live the life they are truly seeking.


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